Sunday, July 16, 2006


Bloggin' seems to be the hottest fad on the World Wide Web today. Yet, the question must be asked, "why do you need a blog if you have your own webpage?" Shannon and I feel that both will be usefull for us. Our Webpage will be the fountainhead of our pictures, links, and big news ( On the other hand, we plan to use this blog for quick updates and correspondence with those loved ones and friends who are both near and far. With that in mind feel free to reply or comment on anything we put on this blog, as long as you write with a spirit of Love. :) We look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for visiting us!

T.J. and Shannon


S said...

I had no idea you guys started a blog. I'll have to add it to my favorites, in case I forget what you guys look like. :) It's a fun way to keep up with family and friends.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you started a blog! Now I can see pictures!!! :) I miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

shannon, this is kinda cool. actually my first time blogging. a new expericenc for me, ought to be fun.

Karis said...

Welcome to the blogging world! We haven't been doing it all that long ourselves, but it has been fun to reconnect with friends, and our family that lives far away has really enjoyed reading our entries.